Thursday, June 14, 2012

Three Months ...

Oh, my! It's been three months since my last post. I bet you have been quite bored looking at that lemon cake every time you stop by : ) Life has been in the fast lane with work, our home, our calendar ...
Today was my last day of work until September. While driving home I felt a huge burden lifted --the skies are blue, the sun is shining. I am ready for summer break!
On the home front ... or what's left of it ... we are making progress on our remodel which now includes 3 rooms and a long hallway. Melney has nicknamed our project for us, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie." It seems like one thing leads to another; one purchase leads to another bank transaction; one demolished area leads to another "brilliant" idea. It's like living one of those HGTV episodes ... while this is torn up we might as well do this and that! Craziness! But the end result will be so worth the time, energy, and $$$. Attempting this at our age should come with a warning: Consult physician before proceeding with heavy demolition. I am amazed at what I can do with a crowbar and hammer : )
Every thing is coming together. We have completed the plumber/mechanical and electrician portion of the project and we are now in the sheetrocking phase. Our cabinetry arrived this week and our garage is filled to the brim. Each phase takes time but it's hard not to get impatient to see the finished product.
You'll now be hearing more from me. As I unwind, I feel more like writing. It's good to feel like "me" again. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your posting and I'm happy for you that school is out till September. The remodel should move right along now that it will be your #1 project. I have read the book, "The Road to Grace," loved it! Get some rest!