Thursday, May 11, 2006

Slow But Sure

Well … back in ’99 I decided I wanted to change the landscape on the Siltez side of our property. The first owners had planted junipers and basically they were a breeding ground for weeds. The design was hard to maintain and not very pleasing to the eye. I wish I had taken a "before" picture to show the drastic change.
That summer Walt & Keith tore out the juniper while I was at a family reunion in California … they also cut the cable to our house. Actually, we did it again the next summer while rototilling … oops!
The summer of 2002 Walt put a brick path through the area. We got the idea while vacationing in Carmel. I love the houses and landscaping there. Another summer we added rock around the tree, moved perennials from the backyard and added groundcover.
Seems like we got behind with my surgery/recovery so this year I gave myself a deadline to add the finishing touches. Over Spring Break Mom and I picked out flowers and planted them, we added more rock and tidied things up. I am very pleased with the result … a nice color arrangement. Soon a new fence will go up giving it a clean, solid background.
Now it’s off to the backyard … major renovations coming … more pictures to follow!


Anonymous said...

Wow! that is a major change. Thanks for sharing your photo, I look forward to seeing more. Your success will motivate the rest of us :)

Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

I love the area--what an improvement. Your hard work has really paid off.