Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I was officially notified today that I passed all three sections of the para-professional test I took on Saturday. Whooo-hooo!
I am so thankful to everyone who prayed for me and encouraged me. The 3.5 hour test was challenging to take while having pneumonia ... especially trying not to cough. I didn't want to disrupt others taking the test. Bottled water and lemon drops got me through it. If I had taken my prescription cough syrup, I would have fallen asleep on the keyboard.
Walt brought this white board home from work and I spent hours going over and over story problems. It helped me see the process ... I am such a visual learner.
I am so thankful to have this "hurdle" behind me and whether I have a position at work or not next year -- from this point on -- it doesn't matter. I have been stretched and I learned a lot about myself in the process. Math takes everything out of me ... it really tries my patience. Who knows?!?! One day I may take a college math class and discover I really enjoy it : )


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you that all the cramming got you through.

Anonymous said...

Knew you could do it - I had faith in you! Glad you can relax now and do some scrapbooking, reading, and all that other fun stuff.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Now it is time to relax and de-stress. Take time to enJOY yourself!


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! Now you can get back to doing things you really enjoy again. So proud of you!