Sunday, September 06, 2009

Remembering Kathy ...

Our Englewood group is so precious to us. We met many of these dear friends in the early 70's & 80's. We have shared our joys and our sorrows ... we share such a rich history.
Several years ago Nola & Larry made sure we had a reunion gathering scheduled at their home each fall. Even after 52 weeks have come and gone, when we get together, it only feels like a few days since we last visited.
Saturday evening we received sad news. Kathy ... circled in red ... passed away early Saturday morning. I guess my heart just wasn't ready to absorb this news.
Kathy & I taught a 5th grade girls Sunday School class together in the early 70's. She was a teacher in a school for the deaf and was a great mentor in my new adventure/ministry. I remember her encouragement ... she always mentioned what a good teacher I would be and asked if I had ever considered that as a career option. As the years went by, I did seek out employment in education as a classified employee. It's funny because this week as I returned to work, her comment came to mind again. Sometimes you never know what an impact your words of encouragement have on someone's life.
Three months ago at Lori's memorial service I spent most of the reception time visiting with Kathy & Fred. Good conversation ... warm & encouraging. I'm glad I had this time with them.
Our reunion is scheduled for October 3rd this year ... it will be a joy to be together again ... but we will be missing Kathy. Our love and prayers are with Fred and the family.

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