Saturday, March 28, 2009

Down Memory Lane

As I had hoped, I have been organizing a few closets and drawers during the Spring Break. Since it is such a dreary day, it is the perfect Saturday project. It's taking a little longer than I thought because I keep coming across sentimental things. My motivation to complete this project is a movie date with Walt this weekend.
As I have been scanning old pictures and documents, I found this photo from 1959-60. My friends, Sue Waterman and Debbie Pulioff came over to play Barbies and my mom clicked a quick photo in our front yard in northeast Portland. Good memories ... Barbie was extremely popular during that time ... AND still is around our house. Maybe in the future I'll feature my collection with a "Blogger Tour of Barbies." I bet you can't wait : )


Anonymous said...

How fun to see that picture and I'm surprised that I took it because I usually got the top of people's heads and the sky--Ha-ha

Anonymous said...

I will be waiting for the Barbie blog....I still think you should do an 'album' of your Barbies :)
